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Looking at Cute Animals Online Is Literally Good for Your Brain

by 꿈나무 김땡땡 2019. 11. 19.

Looking at Cute Animals Online Is Literally Good for Your Brain (11/05), 귀여운 동물을 컴퓨터로 보는 것이 뇌에 도움을 준다.



Looking At Cute Animals Online Is Literally Good for Your Brain

And definitely better than porn or even reading, according to one researcher


It might seem like a frivolous response, but it’s actually not. Research shows that looking at cute things, whether it’s babies, animals, or even inanimate objects, can ease stress, heighten productivity, and even improve marriages.


인터넷으로 귀여운 걸 보면 생산성도 올라가고, 스트레스가 경감 되고, 결혼 생활도 즐거워진다!
