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How to Become the Best in the World at Something

by 꿈나무 김땡땡 2019. 11. 19.

How to Become the Best in the World at Something (10/18), 무언가를 세계에서 가장 잘하는 사람이 되는 법



How to Become the Best in the World at Something

With skill stacking, you don’t need to be at the top to be extraordinary



  • 한 분야에서 1%가 되는 것보다 여러 분야에서 10%가 되는 것이 성공 가능성을 높인다.

  • The takeaway: Stop trying to be the best at one thing. You’re setting yourself up for some serious disappointment. Instead, ask yourself: In what niche do I want to stand out? What combination of skills do I need to be unique in that niche? And am I passionate about most — or at least some — of these skills?

  • It’s not about being great at any one thing — you just need to be pretty good at an array of useful skills that, when combined, make you truly one of a kind.
