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[JAVA] Exception Handling 1. Common Exceptions ArithmeticException: Something went wrong during an arithmetic operation; for example, division by zero. NullPointerException: You tried to access an instance variable or invoke a method on an object that is currently null. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: The index you are using is either negative or greater than the last index of the array (i.e., array.length-1). FileNotFou.. 2019. 11. 20.
How to Form New Habits That Matter How to Form New Habits That Matter (11/05), 어떻게 중요한 새로운 습관을 만드는가. https://link.medium.com/qh5M2SVAm1 How to Form New Habits That Matter “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” forge.medium.com “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 2019. 11. 19.
Looking at Cute Animals Online Is Literally Good for Your Brain Looking at Cute Animals Online Is Literally Good for Your Brain (11/05), 귀여운 동물을 컴퓨터로 보는 것이 뇌에 도움을 준다. https://onezero.medium.com/looking-at-cute-animals-online-is-literally-good-for-your-brain-2eaa291d8568 Looking At Cute Animals Online Is Literally Good for Your Brain And definitely better than porn or even reading, according to one researcher onezero.medium.com It might seem like a frivolous .. 2019. 11. 19.
VR May Change the Future of Therapy “VR May Change the Future of Therapy” by Tessa Love (10/26), VR이 미래의 치료를 바꿀 수 있다. https://link.medium.com/NpDdjKsJ50 VR May Change the Future of Therapy Researchers are studying how virtual reality can treat everything from PTSD to anorexia to anxiety elemental.medium.com "That’s what we’re trying to do. We’re trying to activate that fear, but in a place where nothing really bad happens to break.. 2019. 11. 19.